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What is Vancouver crypto exchange?

At Vancouver Cryptocurrency Exchange our primary goal is to build long-term relationships based on mutual trust and respect. Many of our customers (both from Victoria and Vancouver) have been with us for years. They appreciate that we are straightforward and make everything explicit so that there are no disappointments or misunderstandings.

How to buy or sell cryptocurrency in Vancouver?

The fastest and most secure way to buy or sell cryptocurrency in Vancouver. Transactions take place in real time and we pay out immediately. Payment methods include cash, e-transfer, bank wire, and gold & silver. Directly buy or sell hundreds of different cryptocurrencies at our office or online.

What happened to Vancouver's controversial cryptocurrency exchange?

(Tristan Le Rudulier/CBC) Under a cloud of complaints, investigations and lawsuits, a controversial Vancouver cryptocurrency exchange has shut its doors with more than $16 million owing to customers.

What are cryptocurrency exchanges?

Cryptocurrency exchanges are online exchanges that allow investors to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Purchases and sales of cryptocurrencies can be made using either fiat currency (e.g., buying bitcoin using CAD or USD) or cryptocurrency (e.g., buying bitcoin using another cryptocurrency such as ether).

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